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Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
This is one of the most sophisticated and yet easily administered techniques to analyze job. It consists of a standard form that takes about two hours to complete, is easily scored, and is applicable to a wide variety of jobs. The PAQ analyzes jobs in terms of 187 job elements. These elements are of a worker-oriented nature, meaning that they characterize or imply the human behaviors that are involved in various jobs. They are organized into six groups as follows:

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(1) Information input: Where and how does the worker get the information he or she uses in performing the job?

(2) Mental processes: What reasoning, decision-making, planning, and information-processing activities are involved in performing the job?

(3) Work output: What physical activities does the worker perform and what tools or devices does he/she use?

(4) Relationships with other persons: What relationships with other people are required in performing the job?

(5) Job context: In what physical or social context(s) is the work performed?

(6) Other job characteristics: What activities, conditions, or characteristics other than those described above are relevant to the job?

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A specific rating scale is designated to be used with each job element, according to which of the six PAQ rating scales is most appropriate: (1) extent of use; (2) importance to the job; (3) amount of time; (4) possibility of occurrence; (5) applicability; and (6) special code, used in the case of a few specific job elements. The analysis of jobs with the PAQ is usually carried out by job analysts, personnel staffers, or supervisors. But in some cases job incumbents are asked to analyze their own jobs?especially in the case of managerial, professional, and other white-collar positions. Source of Reference
Derek Torrington and Laura Hall, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall. You can obtain this fine book here
