Ultimate HR Tools for HR Manager |
We proudly present ULTIMATE HR TOOLS for HR MANAGERS. In total, there are eight exceptional HR tools that you can immediately use to enhance your HR performance. These eight ultimate HR tools are as follows : 1. A Complete Catalog of KPIs for All HR Functions. This catalog provides an extensive list of key performance indicators (KPI) for all HR functions. You can immediately utilize this valuable tool as part of your performance management process. 2. A Set of Competency-based Interview Questions. An extensive list of competency-based interview questions to screen the right talents. 3. HR Audit Questionnaire. Key questions protocol to conduct HR Audit. This tool will be instrumental for improving the performance of your HR team. 4. Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire. This valuable tool can immediately be used to discover your employee satisfaction level. 5. Competency Development Template and Guidebook. Equipped with templates and protocols, this tool also displays excellent examples of competency matrix and competency model. 6. Powerful Template - Table of KPIs for HR Managers. This excellent template displays relevant KPI for HR Manager, weight of each KPI, and formula to calculate KPI score. This template can immediately be used as "Performance Contract Agreement" for HR Manager. 7. Tool to Evaluate HR Effectiveness. A set of survey questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of HR service delivery in the eyes of its customers (employees). 8. Employee Development Plan Guidebook. This EDP guidebook provides an extensive sample of development activities to enhance your competency level. This valuable tool can immediately be used for your EDP process.
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