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Job Analysis Interview Guide
Job analysis interview guide is a tool that can be used in conducting job analysis process. The following section describes list of questions that should be asked to explore the content of a particular job. 1. What is the job's overall purpose?

2. JOB DUTIES: Describe briefly WHAT the incumbent does and, if possible, HOW he/she does it. Include duties in the following categories.
a. daily duties
b. periodic duties
c. duties performed at irregular intervals

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3. Is the incumbent performing duties he/she considers unnecessary? If so, describe.

4. Is the incumbent performing duties not presently included in the job description? If so, describe.

5. EDUCATION: Indicates the educational requirements for the job (not the educational background of the incumbent).

6. EXPERIENCE: Indicates the amount of experience needed to perform the job.

7. LOCATION: Check location of job and, if necessary or appropriate, describe briefly.

8. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Check any objectionable conditions found on the job and note afterward how frequently each is encountered (rarely, occasionally, constantly, etc.)

9. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Check any undesirable health and safety conditions under which the incumbent must perform and note how often they are encountered.

10. MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Describe briefly what machines, tools, equipment or work aids the incumbent works with on a regular basis.

11. Have concrete work standards been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular task, etc.)? If so, what are they?

12. Are there any personal attributes (special aptitudes, physical characteristics, personality traits, etc.) required by the job?

13. Are there any exceptional problems the incumbent might be expected to encounter in performing the job under normal conditions? If so, describe.

14. Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job.

15. What is the seriousness of error on this job? Who or what is affected by errors the incumbent makes?

16. To what job would a successful incumbent expect to be promoted?

[Note: This form is obviously slanted toward a manufacturing environment. But it can be adapted quite easily to fit a number of different types of jobs.]

SAMPLE INTERVIEW FORM for Clerical, Supervisory and Administrative Positions

1. Describe in detail the primary or most important duties that you perform daily. If important duties are performed at less frequent intervals, describe them and give the frequency of performance.

2. Describe the secondary duties that you perform at periodic intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) and state the frequency of performance. Also describe any duties you may perform.

3. Describe the equipment and/or machines that you use regularly on the job.

4. Describe the working conditions.

5. Describe the proximity, extent, and closeness of any supervision you receive. To what degree does your immediate supervisor outline the methods to be followed, results to be accomplished, check work progress, handle exceptional cases, and check job performance?

6. Describe the kind of supervision you give to other employees. What is the degree of accountability for results in terms of methods, work accomplished, and personnel?

7. How many employees do you supervise directly?

8. Describe the kind of personal contacts you make (contacts with others in the department, with individuals elsewhere in the company or outside the organization). Can you describe the importance of these contacts to the company?

9. Describe the complexity of your job. What is the degree of independent action you are allowed to take? What decisions are you permitted to make?

10. Describe the type and amount of dexterity or motor skill required. Indicate which job duties require dexterity.

11. What do you feel is necessary in terms of formal education or its equivalent to perform this job satisfactorily?

12. Can you specify the training time needed to arrive at a level of competence on the job?

13. How much job experience (in terms of weeks, months, or years) is needed to perform the job satisfactorily? Where can this type of experience be obtained (inside the organization or elsewhere)?

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Source of Reference
Derek Torrington and Laura Hall, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall. You can obtain this fine book here
