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Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal Methods
There are many types of performance appraisal method. Some of them are job results/outcome; essay method; ranking; forced distribution; graphic rating scale; behavioral checklist; behavioral anchored rating scales (BARS); and management by objectives.

Evaluation Criteria in Performance Appraisal
In choosing an appraisal system, HR professionals should consider their own organization's needs for performance appraisal. Key considerations are (1) whom the company should evaluate, and (2) what criteria should be used to evaluate.

Performance Management Guidebook
This guidebook provides a comprehensive guideline on how to conduct an effective performance appraisal process. This guidebook also displays sample of performance appraisal forms for both manager and staff. You can download this excellent guidebook for free.

Appraising Team Performance
The primary dilemma with performance appraisals and teams is that appraisal forms and processes were built with individuals in mind. Using an individually based instrument to measure the performance of a team is difficult. Where does the work of the individual stop and the team begin? The appraisal job gets even tougher when the teams are cross-functional, not homogeneous.

Examples of Performance Essay Review
Writing a comprehensive performance essay review is not that easy. You have to combine distinctive skills of a novelist and sharp analysis of an investigator. This downloadable tool shows you how to craft a good of performance essay review.

The Attributes of a Good Coach
A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient, and clear. Let's look at how each characteristic comes into play in the workplace. A good coach is positive. Your job is not correcting mistakes, finding fault, and assessing blame. Instead, your function is achieving productivity goals by coaching your staff to peak performance.

Seven Roles of Managers in the Performance Review Meeting
Performance review is the final phase of an effective performance management system. It involves the individual and the manager discussing the performance appraisal document that the manager has created. The performance management process both ends and begins anew with the performance review meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the individual's past year's performance is reviewed and the success of the development plan is evaluated. At the end of the meeting, the appraiser and the individual set a date to create the plan for next year's goals, objectives, and development.

Developing Feedback Skills
The purposes of this article are to show you the importance of providing both positive and negative feedback and to identify specific techniques to help make your feedback more effective.Positive feedback is more readily and accurately perceived than negative feedback. Furthermore, while positive feedback is almost always accepted, negative feedback often meets resistance.

Performance Coaching Process
There's no one single script you can develop that will ensure productive, effective performance appraisal interviews. But avoiding the following five common interviewing errors will give you a good margin for success : 1) Failure to prepare for the interview. This is the number one reason why appraisal interviews fail. You and the employee should know what the job requirements are, and how the employee is meeting them, before you even schedule the interview.

Framework for the Strategic Executive Coaching Process
This article describes the process component of executive coaching by breaking it down into five key steps. The exact determination of dividing lines between the individual steps is less important than the approach to issues that arise during the process as a whole. In step one: Careful Contracting, we should create a trusting environment in which open dialog can occur and underlying issues can be brought to light. A great deal of honest communication and feedback will set the parameters of the executive coaching process.

Giving Negative Feedback
When negative feedback is necessary, the best time to give it is now before the problem gets any worse. Early attention to developing problems lets you turn the painful experience of negative feedback into the more constructive process of corrective feedback.

Six Roles of Employees in the Performance Review Meeting
Wise managers ask each of their subordinates to create an accomplishments list to begin the performance assessment phase. This list is intended to provide the manager with a record of those achievements and accomplishments that the individual felt were the most important during the appraisal period. In the meeting, the individual should review the accomplishments list he prepared to make sure that the appraiser has appropriately incorporated his achievements during the review period.

Developing Peak Performers
Extensive research into peak performers in all walks of life shows that they have very similar ways of thinking about themselves and others. They share other similar mindsets, too. Because of this, they operate in similar ways. This article explains what we know about peak performers, whether in business, public service, private life, school, athletics, or team pursuits. People who adopt these four mindsets and approaches to life become peak performers, too.

Personal Characteristics in Performance Appraisal Process
Does a relationship between the personal characteristics of the rater and the ratee affect the favorability of the rating? Rand and Wexley used a simulated employment interview to help answer that question. Although the employment interview and performance appraisal are two separate aspects of the human resource function, they have a similarity that seems appropriate to the question.

Traps to Avoid in Mentoring Process
There are countless traps along the path of mentordom. Mentoring can be a power trip for those seeking an admirer, a manifestation of greed for those who must have slaves. Mentoring can be a platform for proselytizing a cause or crusade, a strong tale told to an innocent or unknowing listener. However, the traps of power, greed, and crusading all pale when compared with the subtler description listed below. There are other traps, of course, but these are the ones that most frequently raise their ugly heads to sabotage healthy relationships.

Executive Coaching and Business Strategy
Successful executive coaching requires sophisticated understanding of organizations as well as of individuals. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the intersection of business strategy and the executive coaching that supports it. Senior leaders play a critical role in setting direction, defining strategic positions, and providing focus for the business operations needed for successful execution. Through executive coaching, a leader can be more effective, as an individual, in guiding the execution of the strategy.
