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Developing Leadership Skills
This well-designed powerpoint presentation explores essential and time-tested qualities necessary for true leadership. Comprehensively describes about the role of leaders as vision creator, team builder, people developer, and motivation stimulator, this presentation will help readers become more effective leaders from the inside out.

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High Performing Leadership Outline :

Six Trait of Effective Leaders

Managerial Grid of Leaders

Contingency Model of Leadership

Key Roles of High Performing Leaders

Leader as Vision Creator

Leader as Team Builder

Leader as Task Allocator

Leader as People Developer

Leader as Motivation Stimulator

* Total number of presentation slides : 65 slides

This excellent presentation is based on these excellent references:

Bryn Hughes, The Leader's Tool Kit: Hundreds of Tips and Techniques for Developing the Skills You Need, Amacom Press.

Stephen Robbins and David Decenzo, Fundamentals of Management, Prentice Hall.
