Andragogy Learning Method |
The term andragogy was used to differentiate it from the theory of youth learning, pefagogy. This term was used by Malcolm Knowles in his work of developing a unified system of adult learning. You can download 8 Ultimate HR Tools for HR Managers HERE. It is essentially a process model and is based around the premise that, as an individual matures, his/her need and capacity to be self-directing, to utilize his/her experience in learning, to identify his/her own readiness to learn, and to organize his/her learning around life problems, increases steadily from infancy to pre-adolescence and then increase rapidly during adolescence. Andragogical theory is based on the following four assumptions that distinguish it from pedagogy or traditional teaching methods:
1. Concept of the learner Pedagogy Learning Approach:
Concept of the Learner:
Role of Learners Experience:
Readiness to Learn
Orientation to Learning Andragogy Learning Approach
Concept of the Learner
Role of Learners’ Experience
Readiness to Learn
Orientation to Learning Implications for the Trainer 1. Motivation of the individual is an intrinsic process (the 'push' from within, which is self-generated), so that they are self-directing. The role of the trainer is to create a learning environment that harnesses these intrinsic drives and not an environment that suppresses them. An informal environment is best. Formality can create tension and tension impedes learning. 2. Self-directing individuals occasionally need support. The role of the trainer is to recognize when this exists and provide the appropriate support, either personally or using group members. 3. Wherever possible the experience of each individual must be tapped. To deny a person's experience is to deny that person. The probing of experience from people with different backgrounds so that they may learn from each other is one of the fundamentals of Action Learning which has been applied with notable success in problem-solving situations in industry and is now being used as the basic methodology on management development programs up to and including the MBA. 4. The participative method should be widely used on training programs because:
(a). it utilizes members' experience for the benefit of others, including the trainer; 5. The content of a program should be a contract between trainer and learner. This meets the learner's needs for relevance to the present and moves away from the principle of deferred gratification, which is unacceptable for most adults. The involvement of the learner in deciding program content also increases commitment because they part-own the decision. 6. Where knowledge is imparted with the delegate in the passive mode, there should be ample opportunity to reinforce the learning by varying methods. Reinforcement is a vital part of the learning process and methods used should vary according to subject material and individual learning styles. Variety stimulates and makes the learner more receptive. To summarize, according to Knowles, the andragogical model is a process model, not a content model that has been employed by traditional education. The andragogical tutor is a facilitator, a consultant, a change agent, who prepares in advance a set of procedures for involving the learners in a process of:
1. establishing a climate conducive to learning; You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management and Human Capital Strategy HERE. The process model does not ignore content—rather the emphasis is on providing procedures and resources for facilitating the learner's acquisition of information and skills. This ownership by the delegate of the program objectives and content increases commitment, harnesses their intrinsic motivation and is a powerful way of influencing attitudinal change. If it only serves to influence their attitude to training and to make it more positive, that in itself is a powerful achievement!
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