Ultimate HR Tools for HR Manager
We proudly present ULTIMATE HR TOOLS for HR MANAGERS. In total, there are eight exceptional HR tools that you can immediately use to enhance your HR performance. These eight ultimate HR tools are as follows :

Template - KPI Table for HR Manager
This excellent template displays Table of KPI for HR Manager. After explaining key result areas and KPIs for HR Manager, this template also describes the formula to calculate KPI score. This template can immediately be used as "Performance Contract Agreement" for HR Manager.

Fast-tracking Career : Pros and Cons
Fast-tracking high potential management and technical talent is a strategy many organizations are using to ensure that the good people they are able to attract are properly developed, effectively utilized and retained. The scenario goes like this: Sammy Starr is top dog of his MBA class at Famous University. Before "B" school, Sammy was a Phi Beta Kappa and swim team captain. From 650 Fortune 500 job offers, Sammy finally accepts an offer from Big City Bank.

Behavior Modeling in Training
Monkey A sees Monkey B dig up a red root and eat it. Monkey B smacks his lips, jumps about excitedly, begins digging again. Monkey A "gets the picture," does some digging of his own, finds a red root, eats it, likes it, and digs for more. Simple as it may seem, this scenario captures the essentials of an emerging approach to the development of training. This new approach, based on the principles of social-learning theory, is known as behavior modeling.

Assertiveness Training
The goal of A.T. is assertive behavior and clean communications among people. Nothing more, nothing less. Assertive behavior is simply a technique for clearly expressing one's needs, thoughts, hopes, opinions and dreams. The need for assertive communications arises when people are in honest disagreement, in conflict. When any training— be it assertiveness training, transactional analysis or tap dancing— helps people face conflict, confront disagreement and walk away with their self-respect intact, without bad feelings or bitterness, what more could we ask?

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